End Micromanagement. Empower Decision-Makers.

We teach a single, simple, scalable decision-making process that can be applied from the shop floor to the boardroom.

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Empowering Front-Line

Empowerment is Critical to Success

90% of companies believe that empowering their front-line employees is crucial for achieving success.

Skills and Tools Gap

Unfortunately, only 7% of these companies have equipped their employees with the necessary skills & tools.

* According to the Harvard Business Review

Most leaders DO NOT WANT to be micro-managers. However, when their team is not achieving the expected results because of poor decisions made by their teams, they feel pressure from their leaders and colleagues to step in and make more of the decisions for the team. In many cases, this has positive short-term results. However, it ultimately discourages their employees from making decisions, and they lose vital opportunities for coaching and experience in decision-making.

As a result, employees disengage, and the decisions they continue to make suffer, ultimately leading to even worse results. This, in turn, leads to further micro-management and perpetuation of the cycle. This Micro-Management Doom Loop CAN NOT be reversed by simply telling employees you want them to start making decisions again. The culture has to be changed, and employees must be given the training and tools necessary to make better decisions.

Compounding this problem is the fact that most people aren’t well-equipped to make sound business decisions for two reasons:

Few people receive formal training in decision-making, in particular, making decisions where cost-benefit or economic analysis is required. It’s just not part of the standard curriculum in our education system, other than business courses.

Our brains are not wired to be good at making decisions involving complexity and uncertainty. Our thought processes are subject to cognitive bias. We need to apply specific tools within our decision-making process to identify and avoid these “decision traps.”


Enabling Leaders to
Empower Their Teams

We provide leaders with the culture transformation strategies, decision-making tools, and training necessary to end the Micro-Management Doom Loop and unleash their teams to achieve their full potential.


We offer both short and long courses based on your needs.

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Master decision traps, economics, and more with expert guidance.

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Gain decision-making certification for front-line and leadership roles.

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Transform culture & decision-making. Book your session now!

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Empower decision-makers and end micromanagement.

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What Is A Decision-Making Framework?

Our Decision-Making Framework simplifies complex decisions. Follow our seven steps to make informed choices and drive success in your projects.

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Navigating Decision-Making